Zoo airdrop is currently in the mining phase on telegram, which is combine introduced by FarmVille and Zoo Tycoon. Where users can focus on playing game to generate the token which can be payouts in near future. Currently 14 million users are working on this airdrop and day by day they increasing. The last date of the airdrop mining is 31st January 2025.
Here you will know about the Zoo family airdrop.
What is Zoo?
Zoo is game based on idle where users are supposed build their virtual zoo. Select the plot for a each animal. In each plot they can add one animal and increase their daily mining speed by feeding them daily.
How to Play Zoo on Telegram
Go to telegram and launch a airdrop. Increase your token by completing daily tasks, quiz and refer the friendsĀ then select a plot and purchase a animals. Zoo token are the basic which can be feed for users and earn regularly for productivity.
What is expected ZOO Token Price?
Yet there is limited information regarding the allocation and token launch but when we consider the price with other telegram mini game it will be same as others. Keep in mind each token’s price vary on their allocation, supply and vesting. Users are advised to wait for official update.
When is the end of ZOO airdrop?
The official announcement of this airdrop for the last date is 31st January of 2025.
When the month became on the end so airdrop mining phase will be ended, users will no longer able to earn more tokens. The ratio of token will be correspond 1:1. It mean all of your points will be your zoo coins.